Step 4: Team Member Upgrade
Get Your Team Working In Sync To
Profit Potential…
Let users effortlessly create & manage teams
Customize team permissions to fit specific needs
Easily invite team members via email for quick collaboration
Give team members various permissions to read, create, update, and delete items as needed.
Set limits on the number of teams & members based on plan settings.
Get complete control over teams with an easy-to-use management
Allow members to join multiple teams and manage their memberships effortlessly.
Manage teams directly from the admin panel inside FOMO Proofs dashboard
Get a bird’s eye view of team activities from the admin panel.
And So Much More…
Unlock Team Power:
Supercharge Your FOMO Proofs Profits
Bring your team on board to make the most out of FOMO Proofs. With Team Collaboration, everyone can work together smoothly.

By pooling your team's skills, you can create powerful campaigns that get great results.

When everyone pitches in, you can improve your campaigns, get more engagement, and make more money.

Don't let your team work separately—let them join forces and boost your FOMO Proofs profits!
Feature #1
Effortless Team Creation
With FOMO Proofs, you can easily create teams right from your dashboard.

This saves you from dealing with complicated setups or external tools.

Enjoy a smooth experience organizing and overseeing your teams without any extra hassle or stress.
Feature #2
Customized Team Permissions
Customize team permissions to match your specific needs and project dynamics precisely.

This makes sure that each team member possesses the right level of access and control over their tasks and responsibilities.

Whether you need to grant access to specific features or restrict permissions to sensitive areas, you have the flexibility to define who can do what within your team.
Feature #3
Send Invites Via Email
Simplify the process of inviting new team members with FOMO Proofs' convenient email invitation feature.

In just a few clicks, you can send out invitations directly from your dashboard, making the onboarding process fast and straightforward.

By eliminating unnecessary obstacles, you can ensure that your team members can quickly join and begin collaborating effectively without delay.
Feature #4
Customized Member Access
Gain precise control over your team with detailed member permissions tailored to individual roles and responsibilities.

Whether it's granting read-only access, editing privileges, or restricting deletion rights, you can fine-tune permissions to match your project's specific needs.

This level of control ensures that each team member has the necessary access to fulfill their tasks effectively while safeguarding your data and resources.
Feature #5
Adjustable Team & Member Limits
Control how many teams and members you can have.

You decide the size and makeup of your teams by setting limits on how many teams and members you can have.

Whether you're working on a small project or a big one, you can adjust these limits to match your needs.

So, whether you're working alone or with a big team, you can set things up just the way you want.
Feature #6
Advanced Team Control
Keep an eye on your team's performance with FOMO Proofs' easy-to-use team management system.

With tools like activity tracking, membership management, and access control, you can effortlessly supervise your teams.

Whether you're handling one team or several at once, our intuitive system keeps you organized and in the loop.
Feature #7
Effortless Team Management
Easily work with different groups on FOMO Proofs.

Whether you're freelancing for various clients or managing different projects, you can join multiple teams hassle-free.

This makes it simple to switch between teams, so you can stay productive across all your tasks without any hassle.
Feature #8
Powerful Admin Panel For Better Control & Insights
Access the full power of team collaboration with FOMO Proofs' strong admin panel, giving you complete control and detailed insights into your team's actions and performance.

From tracking metrics and activities to getting valuable insights and improving workflows, our admin panel offers everything you need.

With instant updates on your team's progress, you can make smart decisions, enhance processes, and achieve greater success in your projects.
Feature #9
Personalized Support For Your Team
With our Team Member Collaboration upgrade, you receive VIP customer and technical support designed to assist you with all your team-related needs.

Our friendly support team is ready to help you with any questions or issues you may encounter as you set up and manage your teams.

Whether you need help with permissions or have technical questions, we're here to provide personalized assistance and ensure your team collaboration runs smoothly.
30-Day Money Back
Upgrade With Confidence
We understand the importance of seamless team creation and management in your workflow.

That's why we're offering a 30-day money-back guarantee specifically for our Team Collaboration Upgrade.

If, within 30 days of your purchase, you find that our upgrade doesn't streamline your team processes as expected, reach out to us.

We'll promptly refund your investment, no questions asked.
Here’s What You’re
Getting Access
To Today
Effortless Team Creation
Customized Team Permissions
Send Invites via Email
Customized Member Access
Adjustable Team & Member Limits
Advanced Team Control
Effortless Team Management
Powerful Admin Panel
Personalized Support for Your Team
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Fomo Proofs - Team Access
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Frequently Asked
Q How does the team collaboration upgrade benefit me?
The team collaboration upgrade provides advanced features for creating and managing teams within your FOMO Proofs account. It allows you to streamline collaboration, customize permissions, and gain better oversight of team activities.
Q Can I control the number of teams and team members with this upgrade?
Yes, you have the flexibility to configure the number of teams and team members allowed based on your plan settings. This allows you to tailor your collaboration setup to match your specific needs.
Q How do I invite team members to join my teams?
Inviting team members is easy with our email invitation feature. Simply enter their email addresses, and they'll receive an invitation to join your team directly from the FOMO Proofs platform.
Q What permissions can I assign to team members?
With the team collaboration upgrade, you can assign various permissions to team members, including read, create, update, and delete permissions on a per-resource basis. This allows you to control access and ensure that team members have the appropriate level of control over their tasks and responsibilities.
Q Can team members be part of multiple teams?
Yes, team members can be invited to multiple teams and manage their memberships easily. This flexibility enables seamless collaboration across different projects and initiatives.
Q How do I access and manage teams from the admin panel?
You can access and manage teams directly from the admin panel within your FOMO Proofs dashboard. From there, you can oversee team activities, adjust permissions, and track team membership statistics.
Q What kind of support is available for team collaboration issues?
Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you with any questions or issues related to team collaboration. Whether you need help setting up teams, troubleshooting permissions, or optimizing your workflow, we're here to provide personalized support and ensure your success.
Q Is there a money-back guarantee for the team collaboration upgrade?
Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for the team collaboration upgrade. If you're not satisfied with the features and functionality it provides, you can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
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